Serpent of Old, Angel of Light

In this personal experiment/journey of mine in photogrammetry, I decided to take pictures of these little angel statues at my local church. It was very fun learning the process of creating my own model through imagery and then proceeding to render out the model. I used trinio to construct the 3D model on my phone from the images I took, then uploaded the model onto blender where I proceeded to clean up the mesh and digitally paint the models. Wanted to capture a representation of good and evil, I used different colored lighting red and blue (common colors used to represent good and bad) to give the models an ambiance of evil and good. I currently have not taken any 3D modeling classes that are offered, everything so far has been self-taught and reached towards my ambition to grow as a Digital Media Artist and to further expand my knowledge in 3d modeling and animation.

Gutierrez © March 2021