Artist Statement

The moment I sat down behind a computer and started up the adobe programs, I knew this is what I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to be not just a traditional artist but also one that can create in the virtual world as well. Whether I was creating art on art with photoshop, illustrator, after effects, etc; I felt happy and content.

As I progressed and began to find my style and where wanted to go with my art. I just began to flow and fall into my place in the art world. I am a person who grew up in a diverse area, I was exposed to so much that influenced me growing up especially the rap scene. I want people to see with my art that your art does not have to be a fancy exquisite piece to be considered art. That you do not have to follow any guidelines in what you create and consider art. My artwork is keen on the Trap Art style. Trap art which I believe a style not many are accustomed to yet; in the years to come, I wish I could see the style grow bigger.

Being from a diverse area such as where I grew up in Daly City.What inspired me the most was movements that the Bay Area had, a prime example is the “Hyphy Movement” which took place in the early 2000s. This movement paved the way for all types of artists to create unique things to this day. It is something that will go down in Bay Area history as one of the greatest hip hop movements. I generated some inspiration from the movement as well as incorporating my own twists into it to create my own representation of the style. I as well went further learning different styles and aesthetics that other places have and incoporate that into my style.

All it took for me to chase my art dream and be serious was one class I took in high school. By getting into Graphic Design in high school, I allocated all of my time to art. I wanted to improve, I wanted to get better. During this journey, I have been able to open doors for me that I thought I could never. Allowing my creative mind to flow and letting my artwork talk for me. Showing the world all the random thoughts, ideas, my cleverness. It is just amazing to be creating something out of nothing or turning a vision into a reality. That is what draws me closer and closer to art, originality. Creating mind-blowing graphics that catch people’s eyes and draws their full attention. I am drawn to visual graphics that force your attention, from the vivid colors, the form, the uniqueness, the vision, and the representation.

Art for me is about evolving, finding new ways to create art, and new things to incorporate into art. On my journey I want to improve on my 3D modeling, animation, and coding. I have been gravitated towards these mediums since I first heard about the major. I want to be able to create wonderful animations and develop my ability to sculpt my own models and rig them. As well as developing my coding skills to create interactive websites. My overall vision for my art is to stand out. I do not want to fall into mainstream art or to be compared to others. I believe my art does not fit in with current institutional art, it is not something I believe you do not see very often in the higher end art world.